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Marriage is an important part of everyone’s life. Getting married is always an important event and a serious step in one’s life, so you need to think through all the details before you actually decide to go for it, especially if you are young and still in university. Here are the pros and cons of getting married during college.
Advantages of Getting Married During College
First of all, you will probably marry someone who you genuinely love and someone who loves you back just as much. This means that you will not have to marry a person you barely know just because you are growing old and you are still not married. Relationships built on love usually end up in a healthy and lasting marriage.
Another great bonus for you is that universities often take into account the fact that you are married and can even give you discounts on your tuition. Colleges want to support married couples, so they are willing to help out this way and reduce your expenses.
You will also have a completely different experience with your partner because your journey together will start at a very young age and will go on for a long time. It is a lifetime experience that is quite rare nowadays, so it’s very valued. You will know each other so well that it will make you love each other even more.
Marriage also means that you will no longer feel lonely. Dating is cool but having a boyfriend or a girlfriend is somewhat riskier than having a husband or a wife. When you are married, you are more committed to your relationship and take it more seriously.
Getting married in university will also mean that you have plenty of time to plan for the future. You will become more mature simply because your mindset will change thanks to the marriage aspect of your life, so you will look out into your future with more plans in mind.
Disadvantages of Getting Married During College
Of course, there are disadvantages to getting married in college that might make you change your mind completely or simply make you decide to wait a little more before making this step. You will need to understand what you are getting into before doing it.
Wedding while studying at university means that you will have a completely different experience than you would if you had married after you graduated. When you are a single student, you experience college differently than you do when you are a married student.
For example, married couples find it harder to go out and hang out with friends of the opposite sex. They also don’t have as much freedom and might not feel as independent as they would like to. You will also have less time for yourself, your hobby, your job, your studies, and almost everything else.
You can also get distracted from your studies and end up failing your exams. Losing focus is a serious problem among married couples because they get too involved in their own relationship rather than leading a normal life.
You also have additional responsibilities when it comes to your partner. You need to dedicate time to your marriage and even share the house chores. You will also need to provide emotional support to your spouse when they are in need of it.
Another problem can be the realization that you married the wrong person. It’s usual for two young people to fall in love, get married, and then get a divorce only a few years later because they have realized that they don’t love each other anymore.
Your family might also disapprove of your marriage and try to prevent you from marrying the person you love. And once you are married, they can even turn their backs on you (in some more radical cases). If you eventually get divorced, they will be nagging you till the end of your days about how they were right all along.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, it all depends on your own personal feelings, preferences, and needs. If you think that the pros outweigh the cons for you and you are ready to make this serious step in your life, then you should definitely go for it. If not, take your time.
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BIO: Frank Hamilton has been working as a translator at a marriage certificate translation service. He is a professional writing expert at Writersquad in such topics as blogging, digital marketing, and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German, and English.
I do not think that it is a bad idea to marry the person you love while studying at university. It is excellent of you to have met your половинку and feel that you can achieve all the highest goals together. I married when I was a 2nd-year college student and can tell for sure that my husband helped me to realize my potential. Of course, it is harder to keep your schedule, but everything is possible! As for the process of study, I took the help of professional writers here and received the best grades. One day I just thought that I need help if I have so little time before the deadline, and I wish to spend time with my husband. Marriage helped me to identify what things are so vital for me, but I graduated the college and now work on the position of web-developer in Australia.
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