California, USA

Our original (pre-COVID) plan was to go to Hawaii immediately after our wedding. We will still be going to Hawaii, however, due to...more


We are so bummed we won't be able to see everyone at our wedding. We definitely hope to see you when we reschedule our wedding celebration post-COVID!


If you still want to send us a gift, we would greatly appreciate help with our honeymoon! We will be going to Hawaii when it's safe again, but in the meantime we will be taking a road trip with our doggos to visit some national parks and enjoy our time together as newly-made husband and wife.


Thanks so much for thinking of us and we can't wait to celebrate with you next year!

Contact Us

Contact Donna Boersma (MoB) via e-mail or via phone at (619) 820-2266.

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California, USA

Our original (pre-COVID) plan was to go to Hawaii immediately after our wedding. We will still be going to Hawaii, however, due to COVID we'll have to wait until it's safe again (which will hopefully be soon!)


In the meantime, we'll be doing a honeymoon road trip to visit some national parks! Anyone who knows us knows we love to adventure with our doggos and go hiking wherever we can and this will be a perfect way to spend time together as newly-made husband and wife :)