Hawaii, USA

Our Honeymoon is beyond a vacation because it will be an experience of ancient healing together. Huna is about empowerment, abou...more


Hello friends and family,

We are so excited about our honeymoon in Hawaii. Although it won't be a traditional honeymoon where we just relax on the beach. We will be attending a self-empowerment workshop and learning ancient energy healing so we can develop our relationship even deeper as we grow together. Our favorite part of our amazing relationship is growing and going deeper into our healing journey together. So we are honored that you want to support our new marriage and help us spend 10 days in Hawaii learning how to heal each other.

Contact Us

Contact Thomas Wurm via e-mail or via phone at 3072310064.

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Hawaii, USA

Our Honeymoon is beyond a vacation because it will be an experience of ancient healing together.


Huna is about empowerment, about increasing your spirituality, energy, and metaphysical healing powers. What if you could experience and connect physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with a Higher Power that can empower you to bring into your life whatever you desire.