We'll let you on the secret. I (jessica) am writing a book about Joseph and I!
The story follows Jenavieve Brown and Jonas Quinn who met walking the Camino De Santiago. I'm nearly 100 pages in. Joseph has generously allowed for our honeymoon to double as a research project for this book. To grasp the details, the flavors and the hard ache of walking 584 miles across Spain.
We have started saving to pay our bills back home so that we can be away for the 8 weeks that our wedding/honeymoon and visiting family in England will take. We're also saving for our lives when we return! With your help we might not have to stay in as many 10 euro a night hostels and our transition back to normal life after our honey moon can be more smooth sailing.
Examples of donation gifts:
70 Euro/ 83.00 USD = A night in a hotel along the Camino.
50 Euro/ 59.00 USD= A dinner for two along the Camino.
33 Euro/ 40 USD= Entrances into Museums/ Cathedrals.
20 Euro/ 23.00 USD= Band-Aids, Sun Screen, Water, Icy-hot. Misc items needed while walking.
Our wedding gift donations are going into our dedicated joint account. With your gift we hope to add some flavors, some comfort and more of a honeymoon vibe to our Camino walk. The honeymoon money will pour over into helping the transition back home and into married life be more seamless.
Also we want to mention we are opening our honeymoon to our friends and family if they want to join us on any part of the walk. This is a unique honeymoon and we would love to share it with the ones we love. If you're interested in joining us on the Camino or have any other ideas for our registry feel free to reach out to Joseph or Jessa!
Contact Us
Contact Jessica White via e-mail or via phone at 2069991540.