Austria, Germany, and Switzerland

With a healthy curiosity and a love of travel, Holly and Tyler plan to elope in the Swiss coutryside and spend their honeymoon tra...more


Hello friends and family,

We are honored and moved by your support and excitement at the news of upcoming nuptials. We are truly blessed beyond measure!

As we begin the process of blending our lives and our homes, we are lucky to already have almost everything we need, so please enjoy browsing our Honeyfund wish list, where you can contribute funds to our dream honeymoon! (It’s safe, secure, and easy.) Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works.

Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to celebrate with each of you in the coming months! Stay tuned for reception details.

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Austria, Germany, and Switzerland

With a healthy curiosity and a love of travel, Holly and Tyler plan to elope in the Swiss coutryside and spend their honeymoon traveling Austria and Southern Germany. Due to COVID-19, alternative plans are in place should unfavorable travel conditions still exist in this region come September. But don't worry; your contributions will still be used towards honeymoon excursions. The couple looks forward to sharing details of their adventures when they return!