Hello friends and family,
We are honored you will share in our October Marriage Celebration. Your presence is our gift!
We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so if you would like, please join us in contributing to the Celebration Gardens which we are creating in the intersecting property between our current home and our future home we are planning to begin building next year.
The following registry provides options where you can help create the Celebration Fountain and Grace Alley flower beds and pond. The items include a 3-tiered streaming fountain, koi fish, beautiful trees, shrubs, and a community emblem with all our guests' initials who shared in the experience with us. Your contributions are inclusive of the plant design and landscaping.
The gardeners will be onsite planting during the party. Yes, you can grab some gloves and plant your own item which will have your name on it!
We can't wait to see you on our big day!
Contact Us
Contact PJ or Kent via e-mail or via phone at 8438148308.