
Hello friends and family,

Brian and Kiana have had a wonderful court ship and are getting ready to be married on February 15, 2021. They will have a quick celebration and will not be able to have the large gathering they would love to have with all of their friends and family due to COVID-19 and military restrictions. Kiana will be moving to Kansas to be with Brian in March and they will be moving into a home together. The military will provide them with housing but they will need all the fixings to create a home together. Anything you can manage to gift them would be helpful and appreciated. Brian and Kiana are a wonderful pair and their family is looking so forward to their future and joining with them in joy and love for their nuptials. Please give whatever you can and send your love and blessings to this beautiful couple.

Thank you so very much!

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Contact Susan Sarrazin via e-mail or via phone at 4259496107.

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