New Zealand

It has always been a dream of Michael and Alia's to see the Shire and the beginnings of the adventures of the Hobbit and the journ...more


Hi Everybody! Thanks for thinking of Michael and Alia as they skip off into the sunset of their new life together! There are a variety of options to help them achieve their dream honeymoon to New Zealand to do a Lord of the Rings tour. Thanks for your consideration and contact Craig if you have any questions!

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Contact Craig Gelhardt via e-mail or via phone at 5053507343.

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New Zealand

It has always been a dream of Michael and Alia's to see the Shire and the beginnings of the adventures of the Hobbit and the journey of the Ring. Luckily for Michael, he put his own ring on his new life and love, Alia Gwin, in May 2021. Please help Michael and Alia celebrate their new life and family together with their whimsical dreams on Shadowfax as they make their way to the Shire in New Zealand!!!!!