
Hello friends and family,


We're excited to announce that we're getting married! Although during these pandemic times, we've decided to celebrate our love with an intimate and private ceremony, please know that you are with us in our thoughts and hearts. In your unique way, you have shaped and supported each of us with your kindness, care, strength, and humor. Without you, we wouldn't be the people we are today.


Don't worry, we still plan to invite you as a guest to an in-person reception celebration in 2022. There will be food, music, and a chance to reminisce face to face! We look forward to seeing you then and growing together with you in the years to come.


We cherish your continued presence in our lives and look forward to making many more memories with you!


With Love,

Stephanie and Kane

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Pfeiffer Beach, Big Sur, CA  

Contact Us

Contact Kane Liang via e-mail.

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