Italy and England

We're off to Europe for our honeymoon! We plan to travel Italy by train, stopping in Florence, Rome, and the Amalfi Coast. After t...more


Welcome, friends and family! We are so honored to celebrate our wedding day with you. Your presence alone is the biggest gift!


We anticipate moving again within a few years, so we prefer not to fill our apartment with more belongings at the moment. We are not doing a traditional gift registry. However, if you wish to contribute a gift, we would love your support for our honeymoon! Below, you can find a list of suggestions for our trip. Please feel free to customize your own gift amount and recommend activities for us!


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Italy and England

We're off to Europe for our honeymoon! We plan to travel Italy by train, stopping in Florence, Rome, and the Amalfi Coast. After that, we'll spend a few days in London. We'd love to hear any suggestions for activities and dining.