
Hello friends and family,


We are finally reaching the end of our long journey towards being able to get married!


For many reasons, we aren’t able to have a big party or see you all on our wedding day. Please raise a glass to us on January 5, when we’ll be getting married in NYC.


We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so we aren’t registering for any gifts. If you would like to make a contribution to our honeymoon travels, that would be greatly appreciated!


With much love to you all, around the world,

Josh & Katy

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Central Park, New York, NY  

Contact Us

Contact Katy Forse via e-mail or via phone at 2018859794.

Our Registry


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We're lucky to have everything we need (that we can fit into our apartment!). For anyone looking to get us a gift - firstly, thank you for your kindness! We have set up a few cash funds that we'll use to go places and do things together, and make up for the time we lost out on when we were apart.



After we get married, we will apply for Katy's green card, which takes about six months, and until that is done, Katy can't work (or leave the US). As such we aren't planning a big honeymoon, but will be taking advantage of the time by doing short trips and finding fun things to do together before Katy starts work!