Coming Soon


Hello friends and family,


As you know, Brian and I have been together many years. We finally made it official and got married on May 22, 2021. We do not plan to have a traditional wedding, however we have already had friends and family ask if they can give us a wedding gift. We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so we decided to put together a Honeyfund wish list. Please do not feel obligated, but if you would like to give a gift, we ask that instead of buying us any physical gifts you contribute to our Honeyfund. In doing so, your gift will help us pay for our Honeymoon. Feel free to contact us if you need more information about how it works. (It’s safe, secure, and easy.) Thank you for your love and support!



Christine Olsen and Brian Teagle

Contact Us

Contact Christine Olsen via e-mail or via phone at 9144691025.

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Coming Soon