South Africa

Candice and Alfredo will be heading to South Africa and Mozambique to celebrate their honeymoon. Yes that means seeing Cape Town...more




You coming to our wedding is enough of a gift, but for those who are insistent and still want to get us something, you can contribute to our Honeymoon / Buy a House fund or choose something from one of our favorite stores. You see, a part of us wants this money to go towards our first home, whereas the other part of us wants the money to go towards our Honeymoon, since after much persuasion, Candice has managed to convince Alfredo to go to South Africa and the Mozambique.


visit for more info on the wedding!

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South Africa

Candice and Alfredo will be heading to South Africa and Mozambique to celebrate their honeymoon.


Yes that means seeing Cape Town, the Winelands and of course Kruger (and hopefully some lions!)


After visiting South Africa they will make their way to Mozambique. If you didn’t know that this country had some of the most beautiful beaches in the world you should google it! cause WOW