
Throughout the pandemic we’ve all been through a ton,

From zoom happy hours, to quarantine, it wasn’t all that much fun.

We did our part and stayed home for most of the year,

But being in our little house 24/7 was a little bit mere.

We renovated, and replaced because we just couldn’t wait,

We purchased everything we had wanted and needed until we couldn’t see straight.

Our wedding celebration will also be celebrating the end of all of this,

And we are so excited to celebrate and enjoy some greatly needed bliss.

So please don’t worry about presents, no need to send gifts, or to spend,

Bring yourself, your dancing shoes – all we need is you to attend.

If you still feel the need, which we appreciate more than you know,

We’ve created a HoneyFund to help us as our love continues to grow.

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Purcellville, VA  

Contact Us

Contact Hannah Moskowitz via e-mail or via phone at 7329910958.

Our Registry


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Throughout the pandemic we’ve all been through a ton,

From zoom happy hours, to quarantine, it wasn’t all that much fun.

We did our part and stayed home for most of the year,

But being in our little house 24/7 was a little bit mere.

We renovated, and replaced because we just couldn’t wait,

We purchased everything we had wanted and needed until we couldn’t see straight.

Our wedding celebration will also be celebrating the end of all of this,

And we are so excited to celebrate and enjoy some greatly needed bliss.

So please don’t worry about presents, no need to send gifts, or to spend,

Bring yourself, your dancing shoes – all we need is you to attend.

If you still feel the need, which we appreciate more than you know,

We’ve created a HoneyFund to help us as our love continues to grow.