Coming Soon - to be decided

While our destination wedding will be a lot like a honeymoon we do dream about taking a vacation after the wedding, for a true hon...more


Hello friends and family, thank you for being here. We are honored you will join us in celebrating our special day to kick off the next chapter of our lives.


We purchased a home at the beginning of July 2021. Having doubled the amount of space that we occupy, we have found ourselves needing various items to get settled in to our home. We created a registry at for these items and of course we also have this Honeyfund Account! Any contributions made towards our honeyfund will be spent on honeymoon activities after the wedding!


Please enjoy browsing our Honeyfund wish list, where you can contribute funds to our dream honeymoon! (It’s safe, secure, and easy.) We are looking forward to our many adventures together!


Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works.

Thanks again for visiting and we can't wait for our big day~!

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

  Cancún, Q.R.

Contact Us

Contact Kasey Pappas via e-mail or via phone at 702-817-7637.

Our Registries


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Coming Soon - to be decided

While our destination wedding will be a lot like a honeymoon we do dream about taking a vacation after the wedding, for a true honeymoon together!! Ryan is hoping for Sweden~ I would like to explore the east coast of United States or take a cruise