
Welp we're finally getting married, our engagement timing couldn't have been more perfect (ha another pandemic joke) and we're extremely excited to finally tie the knot.


Although we're bummed we couldn't get everyone here, we're glad we can at least broadcast the ceremony to all of our friends and loved ones to still be able to share in this absolutely monumental occasion.


BUT most of all, we're most appreciative of YOU, yes YOU. You are considering donating to our honeymoon and like Mr. Krabs we LOVE (need) money in order to fund our dream honeymoon. After a long and dreary winter we have our sites set on a week in Hawaii and wouldn'tcha know it, its really expensive.


We greatly appreciate any and all donations made to our honeymoon fund, and hope you are able to join us via stream/person whatever floats your boat on our special day.


We love you all!


-KP and Jess

Contact Us

Contact Jessica via e-mail or via phone at 2143853391.

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