Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Welcome! Please consider blessing our union through this honeymoon fund in lieu of a wedding registry.


Dearest Family & Friends,


Much has happened and is still happening this year, much grief, much sorrow, and much hardship. Life has been hard. And God has been good. While we are yet afflicted, we are graced with a measure of love, hope, and joy for the future.


We so look forward to seeing you in-person or virtually on August 15, 2020 to celebrate our union.


The best way to be a blessing is to donate to this honeymoon fund, in lieu of a wedding registry. (It's safe, secure, and easy) God has blessed us with all the necessary essentials for our home, so we thought this honeymoon fund would be of better use on this momentous occasion; especially because COVID has stricken all of us to the confines of our home for the last few months. Due to COVID, we won't be able to celebrate our honeymoon this year, but with your help, when the time comes, we'll be able to love on one another in that period of rest and pleasure.


Again, thank you for your consideration. We are grateful to God and for you for bearing us up in this time.


With love,


The Soon-to-Be Mitchells

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

The Mitchell's Home, 110 Egret Court, Newport News, VA  23608 (map)

Suggested Guest Accommodations:

More Information:

COVID-19 Safety Precautions!

The wedding ceremony/reception will take place in the backyard of the Mitchell's home.

Please be advised all guests must wear their masks while at the home and there will be limited access to the inside of the home.

Sanitation items will be provided during the ceremony/reception.

All food, beverages, and guest table settings will be prepared with caution (fresh gloves and frequent hand/item washing) so as to prevent contamination.

Seating arrangements will be assigned based on family groupings so as to limit close table contact with members outside your household. Tables will be distanced from one another.

Guests are welcomed to leave immediately following the ceremony should they so choose. We completely understand.

Contact Us

Contact Chelsea Roberts via e-mail or via phone at (917)775-3349.

Our Registry


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Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Welcome! Please consider blessing our union through this honeymoon fund in lieu of a wedding registry.