Switzerland and Italy

Our trip takes us through the Swiss and Italian Alps, and then to the Mediterranean island of Sardinia


Hello friends and family,


We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, and having you share our special day with us is the best gift we can ask for! But if you’d still like to give us a gift, please consider contributing funds to our two-part honeymoon adventure!


First, we will embark on a multi-day trek through the Swiss and Italian Alps along the “Tour du Mont Blanc,” a famous alpine route that circumnavigates the Mont Blanc peak. We’ll be hiking a total of 50 miles in 5 days! Then, we will take it easy and relax in beautiful Sardinia. We can’t wait for the white sand beaches and turquoise waters of the Mediterranean.


Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how giving to the Honeyfund works.


Thank you, and we can't wait to see you on our big day!

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Switzerland and Italy

Our trip takes us through the Swiss and Italian Alps, and then to the Mediterranean island of Sardinia