In 2022, we would like to use the summer holidays (6 week for those who don't know, us teachers have it hard) to travel across the...more


Hello friends and family,


*Insert cliché phrase about your presence being the only gift.*


We have an exciting itinerary planned including the Empire State building, a Broadway show, the Grand Canyon and Universal Studios in Hollywood to name a few activities! We would love to bottle your generosity and take it with us!


Below you can contribute to our travels. It’s safe, secure, and easy- if Josh can use it anyone can! However feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works or have any problems.


Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day!


Much love,

Gem and Josh x

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In 2022, we would like to use the summer holidays (6 week for those who don't know, us teachers have it hard) to travel across the USA. The plan is to start in New York and drive through the deep south, Texas and on to the Grand Canyon and eventually L.A.