Important Update!

Original Date

July 25, 2021

New Date

July 25, 2021

we will be holding a small ceremony on july 25th!


Hello friends and family,

Beau and I are happy to announce that we have decided to grt married on july 25th although it maybe untraditional we are doing a camping wedding!!! We have big plans for our future and are hoping that some of you will want to contribute in helping us reach our goals! We have created this fund to aid in our journey as a couple. Some of you may or may not know that in October we will be making a big move to Arizona to Start our lives together! Since the very start of our relationship we have always done things a little different and this is no exception! Instead of requesting money for help with funding our honeymoon we are requesting for help with funding our new life together as a couple! This is one of the most important and most exciting times in both our lives! We arent requesting meterial items as we have most everything we need and are trying to keep the amount of stuff we have to a minimum until we make it to Arizona. Money isnt everything tho and would even love to get some nice cards in the mail just showing your support. If you would like to send us a card or would prefer to send us money directly please contact myself (Sierra) at 206-850-9945 or Beau at 206-850-9974 for our address or you can send money via Facebook pay as they dont require any fees to send or receive money.

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Seattle, WA  

Contact Us

Contact sierra mauchamer via e-mail or via phone at 2068509945.

Our Registry


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