French Polynesia

Saving Japan for another time, and heading out to French Polynesia instead! Planning to hop a few islands, do some scuba, and stil...more


Hi friends and family,

We are so excited to celebrate with you this summer!

We want to note that we both consider your presence at our wedding to be more of a gift than we possibly could have hoped for, so we have no expectations of wedding gifts. But since we know some folks will want the option - and since our tiny apartment is already bursting at the seams with cooking and dog-related items - we put together this registry where you can (completely optionally!) contribute to our honeymoon trip.

Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works!

Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on the day :)

Contact Us

Contact Aurora and Jordan via e-mail.

Our Registry


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French Polynesia

Saving Japan for another time, and heading out to French Polynesia instead! Planning to hop a few islands, do some scuba, and still eat plenty of fresh fish :)