
A springtime trip to southern Spain


Since we have been living together a few years, we've already acquired most of the objects we need in day-to-day life: cookware, sheets, beagle, etc. So if you're open to giving an experience rather than an item, we're asking for contributions to our honeymoon fund.

We're planning on going to southern Spain in March or April, to eat tapas, drink sangria, cook something new, and look at old Moorish architecture. Our tentative itinerary is Sevilla, Granada, Cordoba, and possibly Madrid. Please contribute to any part of the trip that catches your fancy, and thank you in advance for your generosity!

Please note: Honeyfund accepts online payment via credit card, but you can also "reserve" a gift and then pay separately via Venmo or a check/cash at the wedding. To do so, on the payment screen, next to "Pay with credit card," click the "More options" link. If you're paying with Venmo, my account is @Rebecca-Estes. If you don't understand what that means, pick one of the other two options!

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A springtime trip to southern Spain