To our friends and family: We're so excited to celebrate our love story with you. Find all the details you need to know about our big day here.
Can’t wait to see y’all there
Benjamin and Samantha
Wedding Details
Ceremony Location:
The Lehman backyard, 108 teal lake drive, Holly springs, NC 27540 (map)
Reception Location:
The Lehman backyard, 108 teal lake drive, Holly springs, NC 27540 (map)
Suggested Guest Accommodations:
More Information:
If you’re having trouble booking hotel online try clicking The actual date April 21, it allows you to edit your days, (some may come sooner, stay longer etc,) then choose the dates you’d like and enter code, or you can call the number it provides.
Dressy/cocktail attire
Adults only
Parking will be slightly past 108 teal lake drive.
It will be the clubhouse on the right. You will see parking available. If you’re staying at the hotel and will need shuttle please let me know prior. The hotel does not provide the shuttle but we do.
Since we’re sharing our love story with you, we’d love for you to share a little of your love story with us. Prior to, if you take just a little time to have it written out already you can slip it in the box we will have out. xo
Contact Us
Contact Samantha Lehman via e-mail or via phone at 7026019187.
Posted by Samantha & Benjamin
March 4 at 11:03pm
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