Hello friends and family,
We sincerely wish that we could invite everyone to our big day!
For those of you that we were able to invite, we are honored you will share in our big day and it is certainly going to be an afternoon to remember! You know us so you also know that this is not going to be a traditional wedding!
For those of you that we couldn't invite, we are hoping to livestream the event and there will be photos and videos later.
A lot of people have asked us about a registry. Fortunately, we're lucky to already have a home full of everything we might need. We can definitely use help here and there though.
Cleopatra's parents, Jim and Doni Slough have very generously contributed to the cost of putting on our wedding and reception. Robert’s parents covered the catering for us. For this we are extremely grateful and thankful.
For the remaining expenses of putting on this very non-traditional affair we would very much appreciate help with that.
This might be the only registry to have ever included a garage door but here we are. The City of Glendale is mandating that we switch out our metal garage door for a wooden one (which is a much larger expense than we would have imagined).
As a special thank you, we will also throw a big house party in the summer for all of our LA-local friends who send us a wedding gift or contribution through this registry.
We are also planning a gathering in Kansas for friends and family!
Contact Us
Contact Robert via e-mail.