
Hello friends and family,

We are honored you all are so loving and caring about us canceling our wedding due to Covid-19. We're lucky to have each and everyone of you in our lives.

As most of you know we will be moving out of state soon and do not want to more with more stuff than we already have.

Since there will not be a wedding or bridal shower we decided gift cards would be a fantastic way to help us out. That way once we find a house in Tennessee and are moved we can go get the items we need once we are down there.

so please enjoy browsing our New home wish list, and the gift cards where you can contribute funds to our dream home! (It’s safe, secure, and easy.) Feel free to contact us if you need more info about how it works.

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Walled Lake, MI  

Contact Us

Contact Kelcie Hanks via e-mail or via phone at 8107723371.

Our Registries


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