
Hello Friends and Family!


We want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has helped strengthen our relationship and guide us to this special day... It is our belief that a strong marriage is rooted in a strong community, so from the bottom of our hearts, thank you! With that said, many of you know that we do not have a traditional gift registry, especially since we still do not have a home to fill (yet!), so we've decided to make this Honeyfund to assist us in financing not just our wedding, but the costs that come with building a home and starting a life together. Anything helps and nothing is expected, but no matter what, thank you for being a part of our community :)


Warmest Regards,


Luis & Lauren

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Stilwell, KS  66085 (map)

Contact Us

Contact Lauren via e-mail.

Our Registry


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