
Hello family and Merry Christmas!


This year Felix, River, and I have come up with a different type of wish list.



We love you all and the best gift is your time and visits! This is just an option for those traditional gift givers, you know who you are...

I love to travel to see and learn new things with these two little explorers! They are super excited about the idea of a road trip and are at such a good age to absorb it all!


We are so lucky to already have a home FULL of everything we need, so please consider this Birthday and Christmas wish list, where you can contribute funds to our adventures for the year. (It’s safe, secure, and easy.) Feel free to contact me via the link below if you need more info about how it works.

If I am unable to make the exact experience work, I will be sure to add the amount to an experience that will work and let you know what adventure we ended up doing.


Thank you for considering this option and I'd love to contribute to your family adventure funds. Please share any ideas on how we can share this type of giving platform❤️


Happy Holidays and We Love You ALL!

Contact Us

Contact Kate via e-mail or via phone at 2067085283.

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