Important Update!
Original Date
August 7, 2021
New Date
August 7, 2021
Obviously this isn't the date but the registry requires one, so...
Hey everyone,
We are honored that you are considering giving us a wedding gift, even though we have been unable to celebrate the occasion with you in person. Please know that there is no expectation of a gift; it has been a privilege to share in the family lunch with you and to have your support on the journey throughout the last two years.
Yet we know that many of you are keen to offer further support and we are very grateful for that generosity. We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so please enjoy browsing our Honeyfund page, where you can contribute funds to two future goals:
Firstly, we are hoping to ship some items from Ashley's childhood to our home in Bexley, once normal shipping has resumed after the pandemic.
Secondly, we hope to arrange visits to the US in coming years. In addition to Indy, we hope to visit family and friends in places such as Miami, Denver, Arizona, Seattle, and Chicago in coming years. Christian is very keen to see the historic sites of Boston, too.
Contributing via this website is safe, secure, and easy. It is also much easier for us than cash gifts, because there is no need to convert the money to another currency in order to pay it into our accounts. It is also easier than physical gifts as the UK often charges import taxes on goods worth more than £40/$30.
Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works.
Thanks for visiting!
Contact Us
Contact Ashley and Christian via e-mail.