Coming Soon


Hello friends and family,

Dustin and I decided to have a small ceremony with immediate family this year (June 18th, 2022)

We thought this was the best for us because Dustin only has a short amount of time on leave and we want to save our money towards buying a home. We do plan on having a anniversary party after we get settled and everyone is welcome! I've had a lot of people reach out hoping to at least participate in a wedding registry so I decided to open this group. Please don't feel obligated to give anything!! We are not accepting house hold items. This is chance to give to help pay for the photographer, cake and honeymoon! We are just happy to have all the love and support.

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Colorado Springs, CO  

Contact Us

Contact Kassidy Dyson via e-mail or via phone at 719-210-5376.

Our Registry


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Coming Soon