
Hello friends and family,

We are so happy to finally be married after 6 years of togetherness. We decided not to have a registry as we live in a full household and simply do not have the room for more stuff. We do however ask that if you would like to gift us with something (as a few of you have asked) we could use money for when Aaron gets his Kidney transplant. I will be out of work for 1 month (longer if anything happens that is not according to plan) and will be needing to drive him to Seattle quite often. These trips would be all day long and 2-3 times a week. His insurance won't be able to cover some things so he will have medical debt as well. All we want is a little safety net for when transplant happens.


We love all of you wether you give or not and appreciate you either way. Thank you!

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Simi Valley, CA  

Contact Us

Contact Gabrielle Anderson via e-mail or via phone at 2106061349.

Our Registry


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