We have a few ideas, but no final decisions yet!


Hello friends and family,


Thank you for visiting our registry! While COVID dashed our plans for a big day to celebrate with all of you, we are hopeful that we will be able to travel again soon and go on a honeymoon. As you know, traveling was a big part of our lives pre-COVID and we are so ready to start adventuring again once it's safe to do so. We haven't decided on a destination, but we have a few ideas, and would also love to hear your suggestions on places to go.


Please enjoy browsing our Honeyfund wish list, where you can contribute funds towards our trip. (It’s safe, secure, and easy.) Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works.


We miss you all and hope you are continuing to stay safe and healthy -- and planning your own post-pandemic adventures.



Jessica & Jeremy

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Baltimore, MD  

Contact Us

Contact Us via e-mail or via phone at 404-308-4561.

Our Registry


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We have a few ideas, but no final decisions yet!