
Hello friends and family!


I never thought this day would come. For the longest time, my mother has stuck her nose up at the idea of getting married - whether we were talking about her or me. I'm so very grateful that these two have found each other and she has decided to open herself completely. Bernie is the biggest sweetheart and I'm so happy for them.


I'm excited to be helping her plan this wedding and all the things that go along with it. I created this in lieu of the traditional gift giving, knowing that they don't really need anything and they're not registering anywhere. There will still be a small area at the ceremony/reception for cards, etc. for those who choose to stay traditional.

Neither Bernie or my mom know about this 'honeyfund' so please help me keep it that way. I want to keep this open until right before the day and would like to put together something with all the donors names... still working on presentation.


Please share this with any friends/family that I may not have access to. ♥️

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

West Palm Beach, FL  

Contact Us

Contact Jessica Childers via e-mail or via phone at 9542992809.

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