Around the world in 365 days!

We're planning on taking a year to travel the globe, stopping over in New Zealand, Deutschland, Hong Kong, and a few more places besides!


Hello family and friends,


The greatest gift you can give us is your presence and enthusiasm at our wedding weekend. Just show up and have a good time, and we'll love it.


If you would like to make a donation to us as a couple, we do have plans to go on a trip around the world in 2023. We're going to say goodbye to California for a year, and endeavor to experience life all over the globe. As such, we're not looking for household items as we begin our marriage — they're hard to pack! If you'd like to help us fund a flight, or a scuba dive, or a nice glass of wine in New Zealand, you can chip in a bit here.



Max and Leah

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Around the world in 365 days!

We're planning on taking a year to travel the globe, stopping over in New Zealand, Deutschland, Hong Kong, and a few more places besides!