
Hello friends and family,

I am preparing for another journey to Kenya! I am so excited - I am so thankful for the many of you that are willing to extend your hand financially to help me get there as well has providing items that the children will be receiving once I'm there. This trip promises to be even better than the last time! I am hoping to be a part of a project that is called CHOSEN as well as another venture we are hoping to get off the ground during our visit that will enable some of our friends to focus on their on future as well. I want to welcome you to ask questions and I invite you to be a part of this trip by specifying what you'd like to help with .... examples are everything from purchasing classroom supplies, add books to the library, contribute to the EASTER meal for the school/church or even to help fund my trip by covering whatever cost there may be to get me there! I can't thank you enough!

Sue Ann

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Contact Sue Brunty via e-mail or via phone at 574-329-2440.

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