Cape Cod Here We Come!

A bit about us...


Who said celebrating was cancelled in 2020?!


We are renting an RV named "Freedom" for a month - picking up Tom & Deb in Ann Arbor along the way - and bringing the whole traveling-quarantined-crew to Mark & Jody's house in Cape Cod to get hitched.


We know in any other year we'd have all of you along with us too, but we hope our collective joy will still be felt far and wide.


We have everything we need - we are safe, healthy, and will get to be with our families together in our favorite place. However if you'd like to contribute, we've put together a few things that will help us celebrate.


Let "Freedom" Ring! ;)




Lizzie, Matt

& Peeta (who is coming with us)

Contact Us

Contact Lizzie via e-mail or via phone at 7349040592.

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Cape Cod Here We Come!

A bit about us...