
We're planning a mega-trip to Australia and New Zealand. So excited to explore the other side of the world, interact with new plac...more


Hello friends and family!


Thank you so much for sharing in this celebration with us.


Whether you make it all the way to Israel or celebrate with us at home, please know - a gift is completely optional.


We created this HoneyFund for those wishing to gift, as a fun way to make our experience on the other side of the world come to life. We've used it as guests, friends have used it as a platform - all have had a fun experience.


Of course, all gifts, whether this or in another form are more than welcome. For those wishing to donate on our behalf, your local ASPCA or like-minded organization would be awesome. Lola (our rescue dog) also thanks you <3.


If you have any questions, definitely ask away!




Bobby and Maya

Contact Us

Contact Bobby Kruger via e-mail.

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We're planning a mega-trip to Australia and New Zealand. So excited to explore the other side of the world, interact with new places, people, and wildlife. We're so very excited.