Colombia, Ecuador, Galapagos

We're not much for 'stuff.' Rather, we prefer to collect experiences. Time to take the South American continent for a spin. Our ...more


Hello friends and family,

If you've met us before, you probably know we're not much for hauling stuff around.

So, if you want to contribute to a killer start to married life, help us out by contributing to our honeymoon fund.

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

  Marzio, Lombardia

Contact Us

Contact Dawn Patterson via e-mail or via phone at +9034561561.

Our Registry


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Colombia, Ecuador, Galapagos

We're not much for 'stuff.' Rather, we prefer to collect experiences. Time to take the South American continent for a spin.


Our hope is to get a taste of one region of S. America in particular, being Colombia, Ecuador and Galapagos (and maybe more, if we can stretch it). Will be comprised of a mix of wildlife and nature, beaches, maybe learning a bit of Spanish... and whatever else presents itself along the way.


Thank you in advance for helping us bring in this marriage in style.