Honeymoon Destination TBD

Subject to travel restrictions due to COVID-19


Hello family and friends,


We thought about many different places we would want to go for our honeymoon and we had consulted family and friends on places they adored when exploring the world. Eventually, we settled on Hawaii for its stunning natural beauty and the abundance of outdoor activities the islands have to offer.


However, as you all know, the pandemic has required us to reconsider many aspects of our wedding, among them our honeymoon destination. Although we haven't made our final decision yet, we are now considering staying in Canada for our honeymoon and exploring the Rocky Mountains in Alberta and BC.


Please enjoy browsing our Honeyfund wish list, where you can contribute funds to our dream honeymoon (It’s safe, secure, and easy.)! Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works.

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Contact Donna Bandow via e-mail.

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Honeymoon Destination TBD

Subject to travel restrictions due to COVID-19