Coming Soon


Hello friends and family,

We are excited to officially announce that we are getting married!

As of this moment we do not have an exact date. The date posted is "no later than" date.

The wedding will be with close family due to restrictions with the Covid pandemic.

This being said we still want everyone to know we appreciate your support!

This is our Honeyfund that allows those of you that can't be there and wish to help the two of us begin our life journey together.

We are primarily trying to start our life together and get ourselves a house,

and of course a honeymoon for the two of us wouldn't be so bad.

We have some money saved up and are trying to put away more so that we can have a special time together.

If you have any questions please feel free to email us and we will get back to you.

Thank you all very much! :)

Contact Us

Contact Justin Smith via e-mail or via phone at 5305987505.

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Coming Soon