Dominican Republic

Known for romantic beaches, clear blue water, and friendly hospitality! We are hoping to stay for about 5 days at an adults only a...more


Hello friends and family,

First of all, thank you for viewing our wedding registry! We are so honored to celebrate with each of you, especially during these challenging times.

Unfortunately, we have spent the vast majority of our engagement separated by about 800 miles. We're lucky to have two separate homes full of everything we need, so what we crave more than anything else, is quality time together. Having this time to relax, reflect on the wedding, and celebrate our new union is the best possible gift we could receive. We have decided to travel to the Dominican Republic several days after the wedding, and we would be incredibly honored by any contributions toward this experience. Feel free to contact us via the link below if you need more info about how it works.

Thank you for being such a special part of our lives. We cannot wait to spend our wedding day with each of you!


- Kayla and John

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

The Olana, 1851 Turbeville Rd, Hickory Creek, TX  75065 (map)

Reception Location:

The Olana, 1851 Turbeville Rd, Hickory Creek, TX  75065 (map)

Contact Us

Contact Kayla Tunnell via e-mail.

Our Registry


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Dominican Republic

Known for romantic beaches, clear blue water, and friendly hospitality! We are hoping to stay for about 5 days at an adults only all-inclusive resort in Punta Cana.