Important Update!

Original Date

May 28, 2021

New Date

July 17, 2021

Finally after several postponements, The Virtual Wedding Ceremony of Tenzin Dekyi and Raphael Mendoza Romeral will proceed on Saturday, July 17, 2021 at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.


Simply download Zoom prior to the ceremony date, click the link, or copy and paste it into your desired browser and input the Meeting ID and password. Please make sure to be on-time as our ceremony will begin promptly at 5:00 PM EST.



MEETING ID: 932 2521 9703



Hello friends and family,


Your (virtual) attendance to our special day is all we could hope for. However, if you are thinking of buying us a gift, we would be grateful for a small monetary contribution towards our future honeymoon!

Contact Us

Contact Raphael Romeral & Tenzin Dekyi via e-mail or via phone at 6473090215.

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