Thank you so much for attending our party to celebrate our marriage.
We are not asking for any gifts, as your presence at our party is your gift to us. However, some of our guests have asked us to create a registry because they wanted to . We live in Korea, so physical gifts would be difficult for us to accept and bring back home in our luggage. Instead, we decided to create a honeymoon fund where you could donate towards the cost of our honeymoon.
We have a tentative plan to travel to South Africa for our honeymoon. We have been all over Asia, and we wanted to travel to somewhere new and exciting. We have some friends from South Africa who are always telling us about how their country is a great travel destination. Please, don't feel obligated to contribute to this fund, but if you feel you absolutely must give us a gift, we would appreciate if you contributed to this fund.
Contact Us
Contact Stephen or Elizabeth via e-mail or via phone at (520)432-0151.