
Hello family and friends,


We are very appreciative to those that are still interested in providing wedding gifts.


We're using Honeyfund to provide a variety of options for gifts that you are interested in. You can contribute funds to things like: our dream honeymoon or Maya's dream classroom! (It’s safe, secure, and easy.) You can also browse our registry on where we have a couple items listed. If there is anything you want to send us, our address is 401 Interlocken Blvd #1206, Broomfield CO, 80021.


Whatever you feel comfortable giving, we greatly appreciate the gesture, love and support. Please stay safe and healthy!

Contact Us

Contact Maya (Schwartz) Corral via e-mail or via phone at 720-921-5986.

Our Registries


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Dominican Republic

Unfortunately, we will also have to postpone our honeymoon to next summer for our one-year anniversary. We are looking at going to the Dominican Republic and would very much appreciate some help with the airfare, resort and fun activities! Thank you for your love and support!