
Hey Everyone!


Who else is excited to be able to join us for this most special day? Cause you know we are excited! As everyone already knows that we have done things extremely backwards when it has come to things in our life and relationship. Moved in which each other pretty early, got our first apartment together, then we got pregnant and ended up buying a house. Now for the fun part of having that wedding we have all been waiting for! But because we have done everything backwards, because thats how we roll, there is not a whole that we really need for a household. That being said, you all know too that Zach and I have never really gone and done much with just us and being a couple and having that time alone without that kids. It would be amazing if we were able to at some point get out of the house and do something for a small honeymoon, even just a weekend away. Maybe even a loong weekend!


So enough of the ranting away....we decided to set up a HoneyMoon Fund, or a Anything Fun Fund. And here we are now! So take a seat, look around, and maybe help us take our weekend away!


Thank you all! We love you all so much!

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Faribault, MN  

Contact Us

Contact Britnee Malecha via e-mail or via phone at 507-384-1927.

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