Hello friends and family,
We are so excited so many of our friends and family will be joining us in Puerto Vallarta to help us celebrate the joining of our families!!!
We decided not to do a traditional registry, we don't need another rice cooker or another anymore salt and pepper shakers but we have too many people who love us (for obvious reasons) and continue to insist on doing something nice.........
We love watching Shark Tank and I remembered of a product called Honeyfund, a new type of registry that allows everyone to contribute towards snorkeling trips, massages, romantic dinners, airfare and anything else you can imagine!
So for anyone that isn't able to make it to Puerto Vallarta and would like to help us make our Honeymoon truly unforgettable, we invite you to contribute to our Honeyfund!
Love you all,
Nicole and Tony
Contact Us
Contact Tony Smith via e-mail or via phone at 5037840293.