
We're looking for somewhere with beaches, drinks, and very little crime or need for social justice. We're hoping to go to the Mald...more


Hey y'all!

We're so excited to finally get married and we can't wait to see everybody there! Sorry we're terrible at planning and this all happened kinda last minute... so really, we hope we'll see everyone there.

We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need (we think-- if we're missing stuff please feel free to tell us at the crawfish boil) so instead of presents we're asking for help with our honeymoon. *eyelash flutter* -Annie *cringing face*-Cory

Really though coming to see us at our wedding is gift enough *COUGH open bar COUGH* so don't feel pressured to contribute.

Can't wait to see everybody/hear hopefully inventive excuses for why you won't be making it! Love you either way (kinda)

Wedding Details

Reception Location:

Ogden Museum- Patrick F. Taylor LIbrary, 925 Camp St., New Orleans, LA  70130 (map)

Suggested Guest Accommodations:

Contact Us

Contact Annie Camp via e-mail or via phone at 434-566-9490.

Our Registry


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We're looking for somewhere with beaches, drinks, and very little crime or need for social justice. We're hoping to go to the Maldives!


If y'all know of somewhere where I could bring my dogs that would be super helpful. JK CORY.