
Our plans are not solidified yet but we know that we want to go to the South of France to enjoy the beautiful countryside, culture...more


Hello friends and family,

We are honored you will share in our special day. Your presence is our gift!

We're lucky to already have a home full of everything we need, so we've created this wish list, where you can contribute any amount to our dream honeymoon or donate to The Boys And Girls Club location where the wedding will be held. We think you'll love the place as much as we do!


Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day!

Mike and Mel

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Olivet Blue Mountain Camp "Chapel Area", 115 Mountain Avenue, Hamburg, PA  19526 (map)

Reception Location:

Olivet Blue Mountain Camp Main Lodge, 115 Mountain Avenue, Hamburg, PA  19526 (map)

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Contact Us

Contact Melissa Orr via e-mail.

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Our plans are not solidified yet but we know that we want to go to the South of France to enjoy the beautiful countryside, culture and food France has to offer. We may try to sneak in a trip to Italy as well.


Your gift will help us pay for those extra expenses such as a splurgy dinner, plush hotel room, or even avoiding Ryan Air Economy Class...


Please contribute any amount you feel comfortable with, literally $1+ is appreciated, we're just so excited to finally be sealing the deal with all of you there to support us!



Melissa and Mike