Help us go to Costa Rica!

Ten days of Costa Rica. We're pretty excited, and we'd love your help to make it even more special!


Hello friends and family,

We are honored you'll share in our special day. Your presence is a gift!

We're lucky to already have a home full of (most) everything we need, so we hope you enjoy browsing our Honeyfund wish list, where you can contribute funds to our dream honeymoon, 10 days in Costa Rica!



At the bottom of this page, all our planned honeymoon activities are listed and divided into shares. When you choose an item or adventure to contribute to, we'll see your name and message and know it was you who helped us enjoy it.


Payment methods:

Cash/Check: This is the simplest option. Just click the activity you want to gift, and then bring a check or card with that amount to the celebration.


Credit Card/PayPal: This has the convenience of immediately transmitting your gift, but also includes a service fee of ~3%.


Venmo: This is the Millennial option. After you claim a gift, you can venmo us @LienBrandonWedding. Look for the fancy picture of Brandon. No fees.


Feel free to contact us if you need more info about how it works.

Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day!

Wedding Details

Reception Location:

Box House Hotel, Brooklyn, NY  11222 (map)

Contact Us

Contact Brandon Epstein via e-mail or via phone at 914-417-1997.

Our Registries


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Help us go to Costa Rica!

Ten days of Costa Rica. We're pretty excited, and we'd love your help to make it even more special!