Frigiliana, Spain

Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Here's our travel plans! Seattle --> London --> Malaga --> Jerez --> Wedding --> Frigiliana --> Valencia --...more


Hi there!


Thanks for helping with our honeymoon. We’ll be traveling and hiking through Frigiliana; gorging on paella in Valencia, and learning how to dress properly in Paris (France). Will there be photos? Of course!


You can support our honeymoon travels online through venmo (@tyred8) or paypal (


Or, you can mail gifts to:


Kendra and Tyler

3903 SW Findlay St

Seattle, WA 98136


Thanks for thinking of us and we just wanted to let you know how important you are to our relationship. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our friends and family.


With love,

Kendra and Tyler

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Contact Tyler Huggins via e-mail.

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Frigiliana, Spain

Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya!


Here's our travel plans!


Seattle --> London --> Malaga --> Jerez --> Wedding --> Frigiliana --> Valencia --> Paris --London --> Seattle --> Sleeeeeeeeep


It's been fun to plan out, which means we're in the eye of the travel and wedding stress hurricane. If anybody has some travel tips or travel Valium, we'll be happy to take it.


K + T