Hello friends and family,
Is it tacky to ask people to send you presents based on your life choices? Yes, very! But I have been encouraged by SOME PEOPLE to give them a way to send something in celebration of MY choices. The life event is finishing my PhD and moving out of Mom & Dad's Basement, off into the expensive San Francisco world, where I must pay rent and feed myself.
Should you be feeling generous, I have registered for a few items that will help me get settled into a new apartment and new life in SF, including a fund to help my physical move, because Academic Cancer Research doesn't pay things like "relocation bonuses" (...or "an adult salary").
And if you are thinking "why would I buy you things as a reward for your life decisions?" I strongly share this sentiment and will continue to enjoy the gift of your friendship!
PS. My Mother disapproves of this, and she wants to make sure everyone knows that.
Wedding Details
Ceremony Location:
Denver, CO
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